Communication industry: 5G advances usher in a new phase
5G advances into a new phase, and the front-end antenna RF is expected to benefit first. With the release of spectrum in early December, the official commercialization of 5G in Korea, and the Central Economic Conference stressing the acceleration of events such as 5G commercialization, 5G entered a new stage. We predict that with the 5G pre-commercial business in 2019 and commercial commercialization in 2020, the 5G performance of related companies will be partially released next year. From the perspective of the industrial chain, the equipment vendors will first bid for the upstream antenna RF optical modules and other manufacturers, and then the operators will collect the products of the equipment manufacturers, and the operators of the 5G users will eventually benefit. The front-end RF link of the base station is expected to take the lead in reflecting 5G performance, such as vibrators, PCBs, filters, power amplifiers and other industrial chain links. There are three major tren...