The difference between Ethernet and broadband

Ethernet connection: Local connection only appears in Microsoft Windows XP/7 operating system. In Windows 8/8.1 system, the local connection is renamed to "Ethernet". Whether it is "local connection" or "Ethernet" is actually a reflection of the physical network card (network adapter) on the computer.
Ethernet is the most common communication protocol standard used in today's existing LANs, and was formed in the early 1970s. Ethernet (Ethernet) is a common local area network (LAN) standard with a transmission rate of 10 Mbps. In Ethernet, all computers are connected to a coaxial cable, using carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) method, using a competitive mechanism and bus topology. Basically, Ethernet consists of shared transmission media such as twisted-pair cable or coaxial cable and multi-port hubs, bridges or switches. In a star or bus configuration, the hub/switch/bridge connects the computers, printers, and workstations to each other through cables.
Broadband networks are also known as "broadband networks" or simply "broadband." We know that although in just a few years, the speed of dial-up Internet has increased from 14.4Kbps to 56Kbps, but limited by the quality of the telephone line, 56Kbps should be the limit of the general Modem. In order to get faster Internet access speeds, there is bound to be another sneak peek. Therefore, in recent years, various broadband access services have appeared. So what is broadband? In fact, there is no strict definition. Generally speaking, the upper limit of the current dial-up Internet rate is 56Kbps, and the access of 56Kbps and below is called “narrowband”, and the access method above is classified as “broadband”. Broadband also refers to an access technology that can perform multiple transmissions using different channels on the same transmission medium and has a transmission speed of 1.5 Mbit/s or more. Compared with the traditional Internet access technology, the biggest advantage of broadband access technology is that the access bandwidth is greatly expanded, generally 30 times that of ordinary dial-up Internet access.
Broadband access has always been the pursuit of the entire Internet industry and the majority of netizens. The broadband access solutions that have been opened to the public include ADSL technology based on current telephone lines, CABLE MODEM technology based on existing cable TV lines, FTTB broadband technology for re-laying optical fibers, broadband satellite technology, and local multipoint distribution system LMDS technology. Wait. At this stage, ADSL and CABLEMODEM are the most viable, they do not require rewiring, access equipment and the cost of use are relatively low. Broadband access has been similar to Ethernet access. In terms of stability, it is much stronger than ADSL, and ADSL is an asymmetric digital subscriber line. Although the access is a public network dynamic IP, it is still limited by the operator's public network export speed.
The "broadband connection" that is often seen on Windows computers is essentially a virtual connection line. After the Windows operating system is installed, the user needs to manually create a "Broadband Connection" icon.
The difference
Ethernet is the most common communication protocol standard used in today's existing local area networks. This standard defines the cable types and signal processing methods used in local area networks (LANs). Ethernet transmits packets between interconnected devices at a rate of 10-100 Mbps. Ethernet may work in two modes, half-duplex and full-duplex.
In fact, broadband is not strictly defined. Generally, the upper limit of the dial-up Internet access rate is 56Kbps, and the access of 56Kbps and below is called "narrowband". The access method above is classified as "broadband". If there must be a definition, it is able to meet the bandwidth required by people to feel the various media transmission on the network, so it is also a dynamic, development concept. The current broadband refers to the network infrastructure and its services of non-dial-access access with a transmission rate exceeding 1M (1M=1024KB), which can realize 24-hour connection.
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